Pierrot Lunaire: A Royal Academy of Music production at Susie Sainsbury Theatre.
Digital stage visuals produced through Unreal Engine and After Effects to convey imagery and rhythm connected to the opera lyrics and musical performance.
Pathways Through The Memory Archive is a reflective short film that seeks to observe how much we leave behind in the digital world and how this shapes our legacy as people. The film is set from the perspective of someone walking through a rural landscape before their stream of subconscious thoughts take over, which takes them from reality into an archival landscape with likeness to a digital space.
Exhibited at Outernet London September 2024.
VR prototype for R&D project development with Wales Millennium Centre and Arcade XR. Scenery created using a mixture of site captured 3D scans, edited with point cloud softwares to create mesh images. Produced in Unreal Engine.
Darnau O Gartref - Translating as "Fragments of Home", this AR work features photogrammetry pieces collected from the valleys of South Wales. They are whispering clues to the rich heritage of the landscape echoing from the past and present, these fragments have been laced together to encourage observation from alternative angles and perspectives.
Consciousness In The Landscape explores interactions between the human consciousness and its’ reaction to different environments. The format is an audio interactive game produced using VR system game software; where the player is exploring a route through a forest landscape which gradually evolves into a city landscape using Anthropocene imagery.
Shortlist Runner-up for the
Innovate UK Immersive Tech Awards - Sensory Category.
Mystery, Dreams, Intrigue is a collaborative project that involved producing audio visuals inspired by night time phenomena for RCM Fellow Rieko Makita's Junior Fellowship musical performance.
Visuals were produced using Unreal Engine.
LuLaLab is a project developed for the In Loco Parentis research project hosted by Kulturværftet (The Culture Yard) Denmark and funded by Ars Electronica. LuLaLab seeks to explore the effects of artificial intelligence in the process of developing Artifical Embryo Models.
The project seeks to explore this through considering how AI can function as a caretaker during this process, adopting aspects of care in technology that speculates a future of new systems and biological processes.
1. The Innocent (2022)
Arduino hardware, laser cut acrylic
This drawing machine is inspired by the Innocent archetype. The function of this drawing machine is for the machine to follow your hand when placed within vision of it’s sensors. This results in a collaborative performance between the drawing machine and the participant.
8. A Mother To Machine V4 (2022)
oil paint on canvas paper, digitally enhanced
The DODO is the Royal College of Art's official newspaper. Bethan acted as Editor for the 2023-2024 issues, coordinating the running of the newspaper and playing a key role as Design Editor in The DODO's production process.
Opening extract of Snow White (2022)
ink on paper
This image was produced using The Mother archetype drawing machine. This piece considers alternative methods of story telling, producing words and stories as visual data - this result conveys the opening extract of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.